Stringing Braid and the perception of doing it right

Conrad Hoffsommer
Wed, 28 May 2003 10:11:33 -0500


At 10:05 5/28/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>OK, then, I wonder if there could be a different way to mute those sections
>that could keep more energy in the entire system?
>I imagine (don't know) that those string segments still vibrate against the
>braiding felt (perhaps more slowly).  This seems like a waste of perfectly
>good kinetic energy.  If they could be made stiffer, or have more mass,
>wouldn't their energy be reflected back into the speaking length, the same
>way we want rims to be rigid?

My 2¢:
Howz about weaving the braid as close to the hitchpin/aliquot/plate ridge 
as possible?  Amplitude of string vibration is less there, so inertia 
should also be.

Conrad Hoffsommer
Decorah, IA

So many chocolates; so little time.

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