Tri overstrung uupright

Alan Forsyth
Wed, 28 May 2003 21:22:49 +0100

Dear listed ones and overdamper dumpers,

Farrell exclaimed,
>>"I see it is a birdcage. Arrrggggg.">>>

Oh you get used to them after a while especially when 70% of my work deals
with overdampers. Overdamper systems work best when the piano is tuned:
makes it much quieter. It's like taming the beast. Overdampers do have one
distinct advantage though; when you depress the pedal, it feels more like a
grand's sustain system because they are returned by gravity - much easier to
half damp while playing. You haven't got all those squishy, mushy, springs
to work against as in a modern upright. And, when it comes to regulating,
there are no confounded spoons to feed your frenzy.

I'd still rather tune 4 overdampered pianos than tune one of those drop
action spinet affairs.

Alan Forsyth

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