Backchecking Height and an incredible help
Wed, 28 May 2003 19:34:38 EDT

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In a message dated 5/28/2003 3:46:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> If the hammer is checking too high it can impede the vibration of the
> string. I suppose it is a function of the air being "compressed" in the
> space between the hammer and the string.

Hafta say I ain't buying this. The excursion of the string is so slight that 
I can't believe that an object 1/2" away could cause air to offer much 
impedance. I'm willing to bet if I held my thumb 1/2" from the string right above the 
strike point, no one could tell me when it was there and when it wasn't, 

Sorry I don't have something more positive to offer as an explanation for 
optimal checking=louder tone. I'll be watching this space anxiously.

Bob D

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