Geo. Steck Grand

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 28 May 2003 23:08:11 -0500

>Hello, all!
>         Anybody have the treble stringing scale for a 5' George Steck,
>#N125583 (circa 1932)?  On the tail of the plate, it has 5-P  F.  The
>Travis book has nothing with anything close to those numbers or letters,
>and I was just hoping that someone has a scale for the treble, or do I
>need to mike everything, and just duplicate what's there?  Thanks for
>your help!
>Clark Sprague

Sorry to inform you, but you do need to mic the strings to see what is in 
fact there, rather than what some once (or more) times removed authority 
says might have originally been there - maybe. Then you need to decide 
whether or not you want to reproduce what was there when you measured it, 
or rescale to something you consider to be better.
Ron N

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