spinet string repairs

Charles Neuman piano@charlesneuman.net
Thu, 29 May 2003 12:18:20 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks for all your great tips on replacing strings on spinets. A few

1) Regarding removing the action, I didn't make that up. I spoke to a tech
who said he always removes the action, even for one string replacement,
and even if it takes 45 minutes. But it's good to know there are other
ways around it. I do find that rocking the action towards the keyboard is
helpful for creating more space.

2) Clamps: I'll check out those recommended vice grips. I know ViceGrip
makes some needle nose vice grips, and maybe some others. Also, the
company that makes QuickClamps make all sorts of clamping devices, so
maybe some of those would come in handy, even for just getting a piece of
string out of the way for a moment. I'm a little concerned that alligator
clips would pop off the bridge pins too easily, but it can't hurt to try

3) "Straw" tool: I like that auto parts tip. I'll try it. One question,
though: one recommendation was to have two separate tubes that were
connected. I wonder if they need to be connected. I could see a case where
it might be helpful to have one half of the string still in its tube to
get it out of the way. So it would go like this: insert each half of
string into separate tube, leaving a loop at the bottom for the hitch pin,
hold tubes together while putting loop over hitch pin, clamp hitch pin to
keep string there, remove only one tube from string and install that
string onto tuning pin (other string is kept out of the way by being in
the second tube), install other string.

I have two more stringing questions, which I'll ask in a separate email.

Thanks again for your helpful hints.

Charles Neuman
PTG Assoc, Long Island

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