To dry or not to dry?

Charles E. Faulk
Thu, 29 May 2003 14:39:56 -0500

Fellow rebuilders,

For about the fourth time in many years, I've started rebuilding a piano
with perfectly intact soundboard (Steinway Model M, 1916). It's amazing,
not a single hairline crack, not one loose rib. In years past if I found
such a board, I would go ahead and dry it down just out of pure anal
retentativeness (new word?), just 'in case ...' as it were. But now
looking at this well kept specimen, I question if I should do nothing
more than scrape off the old top varnish, refinish it, and call it quits.

Anybody have any thoughts on the subject?


Charles Faulk
Manhattan, KS

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