Kawai KG-6

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Thu, 29 May 2003 22:36:40 -0500

> asking price is $11,900, and is listed in "mint" condition,
which makes
> me wary to begin with.

Where is this piano. I have three potential buyers I would like to
tell about this piano.  I have told them to expect up to 20K for a
musician's quality 6 to 7 foot grand. That leaves plenty for
delivery to South Dakota.
(How ever, one is in S Ca).
I wonder what suggested list is for a new  Kawai 7'4".

"wondered if anyone who has serviced
> these pianos could share their opinion on how they have fared."

In the mid 80's I tuned a new 7'4"  for a restaurant in San
Francisco for about a year or two.   I never serviced it because
the pianist (sometimes referred to as the Liberace of Nob Hill,
alas he is no longer with us) and I agreed it was OK as far as
regulation. I may have done a little voicing but can't remember.
It was an awesome piano, I was truly impressed with it.

----- Original Message -----
From: <bases-loaded@juno.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:38 AM
Subject: Kawai KG-6

> Greetings -
> I have been asked by a prospective buyer to inspect a 15 year
old Kawai
> KG-6 (a 7'4" grand) tomorrow.  While I am generally fond of
Kawai grands,
> I have not come across this model and wondered if anyone who has
> these pianos could share their opinion on how they have fared.
> asking price is $11,900, and is listed in "mint" condition,
which makes
> me wary to begin with.
> Anyone?
> Mark Potter
> bases-loaded@juno.com
> _______________________________________________
> pianotech list info:

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