Today's Puzzler

Phil Bondi
Fri, 30 May 2003 13:30:24 -0400

Hello to all.

Today's puzzler involves a new Console.

The customer was complaining about one note being very hard to play..once in
a while it would play, and other times it wouldn't. .. but it was always
hard to play.

The offending note is F2, but that's really irrelevant..honest!

When I got there..sure enough, the note was exactly how she described it. My
first thought is a tight front rail bushing and/or tight jack pinning. It
"felt" that way, but neither was the problem.

Upon further inspection, the jack was having a heck of a time escaping from
the hammer butt. It 'seemed' a bit freer when I eliminated the key from the
equation, but when I went to play it slowly, sure enough, the jack was
acting like it didn't want to escape.

What was the problem?

The first correct answer gets...oh, let's see what I have hanging around
here........oh, some balance rail assortment of sizes and
colors..goes well with any decor.

Good luck with this Puzzler.

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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