BBC Radio - Out of Tune

John Musselwhite
Fri, 30 May 2003 12:31:13 -0600

Hi Folks.

The following came from a BBC Mailing list and I thought there might be 
some people here who are interested. The show will be available on the WWW 
Tuesdays, June 3 and 10 and should be available after the broadcast as well 
in case you miss it.

>Coming Up in Science:
>Out of Tune - Tuesday 9pm - Robert Sandall presents a two-part series about
>musical tuning. The 'equal temperament' system has been the basis for
>western music since the time of Bach, but 'purer' alternatives are now being


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
Pianotech IRC chats Tuesday and Thursday nights and Sunday Mornings

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