Viewing pictures

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 31 May 2003 10:32:53 -0500

>I  generally don't have any trouble with attached pictures.  However, I do 
>seem to have some problem with the links to the ptg site where pictures 
>are being served.  When I click on the links (either the ptg link or the 
>tinyurl link) my browser just sits there churning and won't load the 
>page.  I've tried both explorer and netscape.  Anyone else having this 
>problem?  Any suggestions?
>Phil F

I fought this for a while after installing Win 2000 and Mozilla. One of the 
732 things I tried finally worked, but I don't remember which one it was. 
Sorry, no help. Meanwhile, you can copy the URL from the message, toggle to 
the browser, and paste it in like I did until I hit the magic combination.

Ron N

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