Today's Puzzler..the answer

Phil Bondi
Sat, 31 May 2003 11:42:09 -0400

Rob Goodale said:

>The buck skin on the hammer butt had come loose and was dragging on the

That's exactly what I first thought also, but it was not the problem.

Patrick Poulson said:

>My first thought would be something causing the jack to hang up on the
>hammer butt, such as a rough spot on the leather or a spot of glue, or a
>rough edge on the jack tip itself.

Patrick, you're close in saying that something was causing the jack to hang
up on the hammer butt, but the reasoning in this case is incorrect.

Terry, it wasn't insufficient key dip, nor was it a broken key.

I'm somewhat glad that this one had the class stumped. The answer is:

The bridal strap had become lodged under the let-off adjustment screw. The
screw was at about a 45 degree angle to its rail, so I turned the screw so
it was now parallel with its rail, put the strap over the screw, and all is

It took me a good 1/2 hr. to find that problem..I have never seen nor heard
of that problem before.

I may never see that again in my lifetime..and it wouldn't surprise me if
all of you never have that problem also.

No one wins the assorted size and color balance rail punchings this time
around. I'll save them for the next Puzzler.

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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