falcone upright?

Jeannie Grassi jgrassi@silverlink.net
Sat, 31 May 2003 10:34:27 -0700

Terry and List,
Please be aware that the Falcone name, as is the case with dozens of
names we all know, is now being used by a new company. The evaluation of
the Falcone in The Piano Book refers to the original manufacturer.  It
is important that we know these sorts of things when discussing the
quality of an instrument.  Also, the original Falcone company production
line had not vertical pianos.  The relative age of the piano would be
helpful in this case.

If it is confusing to us, imagine how confusing it must be to our
clients when they go out to buy a piano.  All the more reason for us to
become aware of the new brands out there in the market and their
relative quality.  If we offer purchase consultation to our clients, it
then becomes our responsibility to learn these differences and stay on
top of them.  


Jeannie Grassi, RPT
Associate Editor, Piano Technicians Journal

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On
Behalf Of pianolover 88
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:21 AM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: Re: falcone upright?

Check the review in Larry Fine's "The piano book". Very high praise.

Terry Peterson

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