The Good Old Days ??

Richard Brekne
Thu, 19 Aug 2004 19:00:37 +0100

Hi folks... Ed, Barbara.. and others who recently took up this flag.

I've been here since 1998... maybe late 97... not really sure.  And 
personally I dont buy this romanticised picture of how great things were 
in yesteryears pianotech.  In fact I really dont notice much of a change 
in either content or tone on the whole at all.  When I poped up the 
raging war at the time was one Ed Foote up against one Bill Bremmer.  
And boy did things get nasty.  I got wrapped up in a couple with a few 
people as well for statements and opinions that still have me aghast in 
wonderment as too what brought all that about.  I've watched a select 
agenda oriented types few bully off one person after another for having 
some view or another about pianos they didnt like. Ive seen outbreaks of 
political posts about Clintons presidency by the bushel.  Religion has 
been a regular player all along... and all the posts I've seen through 
the years relating how sick and tired somebody is of all the crap has 
not increased or decreased one bit as far as I can see.

Sorry... I dont buy it. I dont buy that somehow people just 8 years ago 
were fundementally more well behaved then they are now.  What in human 
nature could possible explain such a degenerate evolution ?  I'd like to 
hear some Darwinistic justification .... grin.  No no no... its easy to 
romantisize the good old days... easy to forget the bad and remember the 
good.  But frankly... the only thing I've seen fundementally change here 
in 6 + years  are a few faces.


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