Teflon bushings: (was Re: Pinning on new flanges}

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Wed, 25 Aug 2004 19:52:00 -0500

But Keith, why didn't Steinway put out the information necessary to
deal with those bushings BEFORE/AFTER they did it??????

As far as I know, that's the main reason so many techs complained about
it. They didn't know how to work with it! Did S & S help? I really don't


At 12:32 AM 8/25/04, you wrote:
>At 12:27 AM -0400 8/25/04, Sarah Fox wrote:
>>...  The problem with Steinway's Teflon blunder was the
>>loosening of the Teflon in the wooden hole with humidity changes. ...
>I have to intervene as a result of this comment. Maybe you will appreciate 
>what I have to say, maybe not.
>For the record what I am about to say is an inner unfoldment that I came 
>to solely after several years of working with repinning and/or replacing 
>teflon bushings.
>If there is to be any blunder attributed to Steinway and the teflon 
>bushing experience:
>1) it was only in that company's over evaluation of the abilities of the 
>piano technicians in the field to understand the beauty of the teflon 
>bushing in all its glory,
>2) to not forsee the unwillingness of piano technicians to invest in the 
>necessary tools to work with them,
>3) and the capacity to truly understand the techniques as to how to 
>properly replace and/or repin them.
>Those three things were, in my judgement, the main reasons for the 
>eventual undoing of the teflon bushing, not humidity changes.
>Somebody mentioned it was ahead of its time. Hardly. In my opinion the 
>general populace of piano technicians during that era were just unable to 
>embrace it, so it got the bad mouth from those who never really gave it 
>the time of day.
>Such is the way of some things.
>Keith McGavern
>Registered Piano Technician
>Oklahoma Chapter 731
>Piano Technicians Guild
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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