Pinning on new flanges

Isaac OLEG
Mon, 30 Aug 2004 20:23:16 +0200

Hello, all,

As I read (fast) the digest, i am unsure of the point, but are not the
ears the first organ to regulate the pianist touch ? is not that organ
way faster than the eyes in its processing time ?

I get it that the pianist make a mental map of the resistance of the
keys, and this one is first driven by the ear, afterthat the keys are
treated individually based on the expectations. The fact that there is
some friction present is maybe only giving a sense of security,
(longer dealy before the tone production)  but even for that this is
yet enough to allow the brain to be quiter and then more accurate.

A light pianist will prefer a lighter touch of course, there is
certainly a relation with the body weight and technique used.

I am back to my hole !

best regards.

Isaac OLEG

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