Seating strings

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 15 Apr 2005 18:29:37 -0500

> Certainly the real situation is a dynamic one and the static model is a 
> (gross) simplification.

Gotta start somewhere though.

> I'm skeptical.  There is the static friction at the bridge pins that has to 
> be overcome.  If my numbers were in the ballpark that amounts to about 10 
> pounds or more at each pin.  I don't think that the small changes in length 
> of the string segments due to the sort of temperature ranges that a piano 
> is normally exposed to would cause that much change in string tension.  

Possibly not. The point is it's movement, and the difference between 
the static friction supposedly holding a string above the bridge cap 
and the combination of downbearing, pin slant, and string offset 
angle trying to pull it down is much closer than 10 lbs.

> I think the string will stay put at the friction points and the string 
> segments will grow or shrink between them due to temperature changes.  How 
> would humidity change affect the string?  

It wouldn't, directly, but the bridge would move relative to the 
pins. Again, I haven't measured it, but I don't see how the pins 
could avoid moving relative to one another (at least somewhat) as 
the bridge changes dimension more or less continuously.

>As I see it the change would mean 
> soundboard movement up or down, which would change string tension and would 
> probably affect the speaking portion and backscale portion 
> differently.  Perhaps enough to cause a 10 pound tension mismatch if the 
> movement was great enough.  

It isn't. There is much more tension change resulting from the 
bridge moving strings up and down diverging pins. Incidentally, 
while the soundboard is moving, the bridge top, and presumably the 
string, is also moving on the pin - breaking the friction enough for 
the string to render through from segment tension differences. 
That's going up. It remains to be seen if anyone can demonstrate 
that the string stays stuck to the pin enough to lose contact with 
the cap in the dry cycles.

>However, if there is some other mechanism, such 
> as string vibration causing some minute movement of the string on the pin, 
> this may break the static friction and cause the strings to move past the 
> pins with much smaller tension mismatches.

This is what I think happens.

> I'm not sure I understand the mechanism that you're describing here.  Are 
> you talking about the bridge cap trying to move up on a wet cycle, but the 
> pin holds the string in place, crushing it into the cap?

Exactly. I've directly measured an 0.011" difference in pin height 
above the cap surface in a bridge model I cycled through a couple of 
cycles of from 4% - 12% MC. The force required to push the string up 
the divergently slanted pins is half again that required to render a 
string straight past a pin. That's a heck of a PSI load on a maybe 
0.010" wide groove in a maple cap. Take a pin out of the speaking 
side of an old bridge. Hold a short length of straightened piano 
wire in the existing string groove with a screwdriver of knife blade 
at a right angle to the wire. hold down in the middle of the bridge 
first and note that the wire is pretty much parallel to the bridge 
top. Now hold it closer to the notch edge, and closer, and at the 
bridge pin hole and watch the tangent angle of that groove go to 
maybe 15° at the notch edge. Now imagine a wire under tension 
resting on the center of the bridge, and going down at a generous 1° 
angle to the agraffe. It will pass the pin hole some distance above 
the cap. The string has NOT climbed the pin. The notch edge simply 
doesn't reach the strings natural path any more because it has been 
crushed too low to make contact unless the bridge is in the 
expansion cycle. Forcing it down to contact by tapping the string or 
driving the pin has no chance of keeping it down there. It will once 
again seek it's straight line path and lose contact with the notch 
edge until the next expansion cycle.

> Any ideas about why a flagpoling bridge pin causes false beats?
> Phil Ford 

Yes. The pin has nearly no stress on it below the surface of the 
bridge, so it hasn't greatly deformed the wood that surrounds it. At 
the cap surface, the side stress of the cap pushing the string up a 
slanted pin (combined with the normal side bearing) pushes the pin 
against the side of the hole. The deformation the pin makes in the 
hole is like the deformation the string makes in the bridge top. It 
curves, because the pin is slightly sprung by the forces involved 
just like the string is, only less because the pin is stiffer. So 
here's a pin, tight in the bottom of the hole, and looser at the 
top. At some point below the surface of the cap is the place where 
the back side (away from the string) of the pin parts company with 
the cap and is free to flagpole. It becomes a spring. The pin is 
still the string's vertical termination point, just like it always 
was if the bridge was notched deeply enough at manufacture. But the 
horizontal termination is a spring with a more solid termination 
somewhat beyond the spring on the bridge surface. The beat is the 
difference between the vertical excursion frequency and the 
horizontal excursion frequency of the string caused by the lossy 
horizontal termination. Tapping the string or driving the pin clamps 
the string down to the cap closer to the pin , courtesy of friction 
between string and pin and string and cap, and restricts horizontal 
movement of the springy pin. This makes the horizontal and vertical 
excursion frequencies close enough to the same to kill, or minimize 
the beat. If the friction between string and pin isn't sufficient to 
hold the string tightly against the notch edge, or if the pin or 
notch edge is too damaged to provide the necessary clamp, it doesn't 
"fix" the false beat. The unfocused sound that seating clears up is 
the string grazing, but not clearing the cap enough to produce a 
clear beat. Seating these, especially by driving the pins, should 
produce really nice false beats soon enough. In all these cases, the 
mechanism that produces the beat is the bridge pin that is not solid 
in the cap at the surface and can flagpole. It doesn't take much. I 
think we see this only in the top two sections because the 
differences in the two apparent speaking lengths the flagpoling pin 
provides quits producing clear beats as that difference becomes a 
small enough percentage of the speaking length and resulting 
frequency. The longer strings absorb the difference better, like 
they will in unison tuning.

I need an animation. This would be so much simpler and more obvious 
to watch than to describe.

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