Elmer's Glue discovery

Joe Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Sun, 21 Aug 2005 13:20:52 -0700

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The Thumper said: "Dear Everyone,
    The "Brown" action I am working on had=20
replacement cord loops glued in with great messy globs
of white Elmer's( TM). I was faced with figuring out
how to remove it from the delicate, grooved forked
thingees on the "wypyns", without wrecking the wood
     So I "slept on it" for about a week ( always a
good idea when you're "up against it" ) 'til, in the=20
"wee hours" of the morning, it occurred to me that=20
"Elmer's " is a  PVA-type glue=20
( polyvinylacetate ) . So I dunked one of the
"wypypns" in acetone.
    In about a minute the Elmer's (TM) had turned to a
fragile gelatinous boogery stuff that a little brass
brush quite easily, and cleanly, removed.
Amazing! That's a little trick I'll use!!! Way to go Thumper!!!<G>
Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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