leather bushings

MICHAEL MORVAN keymaestro@verizon.net
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:34:38 -0500

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    My 2 cents on leather bushings. I think there are a lot of bad myths =
concerning leather bushings but I have found most of them to be untrue =
if the job is done properly. Leather can have the potential to squeak if =
not kept slick and it can add friction if not properly skived and =
prepped. But cloth bushings can have many problems, and do if not =
properly installed. I have recovered many sets of European keyboards =
with original leather bushings and they were still within good =
tolerances and did not need replacement. Bushings are tricky, and there =
are many different opinions on how to do them and what glues and =
materials to use. I have found that there is a greater potential for =
friction at the front rail, and that being the case some prefer to just =
use leather in the balance rail. Ultimately the job must be done =
properly. Leather is very difficult to ease so you must size your =
leather properly before it is installed. The key buttons or mortises =
should be sized after removing the old bushings to ensure uniformity. =
Pin diameter should be checked to ensure they are not worn or different =
sizes and the pins need to be straight. A pin off at an angle will add =
drag and this amounts to friction.   Mike
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