Yamaha Key Bushing Replacement

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Mon, 7 Nov 2005 17:15:15 -0500

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Not within my wildest imagination. Maybe I'm missing something here Joe, =
but why on earth would/could it even possibly require replacing the =
balance rail board? I mean like excluding termites, acid spills, fire =
and woodchucks.

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20

  Would it also require replacing the balance rail board?
  Joe Goss RPT

  ----- Original Message -----=20

    Indeed, that is what I would like to do, but as I stated in my =
original post, "I don't see that the supply houses offer plated/steel =
pins in the Yamaha size." Are you aware of a source for plated key pins =
for Yamaha - front rail =3D 0.125-inch and center rail =3D 0.137-inch?

    Terry Farrell
      ----- Original Message -----=20
      Hi Terry,
      If you are going to rebush, why not also repin with the better =
pins, and use leather the correct size. Then you will not have the =
contamination problem with the Ballistol.
      Joe Goss RPT----- Original Message -----=20

        I've got a bunch of Yamaha C3s from cruise ships to do key =
bushings on. Many of these piano get fairly rough use 7 days per week =
(piano bar and all that). So we're searching for a better way. Some of =
these get worn out in a matter of several months.

        We've considered leather bushings, but my understanding is that =
there can be a chemical reaction between the leather and the Yamaha =
brass key pins. I don't see that the supply houses offer plated/steel =
pins in the Yamaha size.

        So maybe we need to use cloth key bushings. I heard from some =
that Renner has the most durable key bushing cloth. Any opinions on =

        What about lubrication on the cloth bushing material to minimize =
friction and increase longevity? Microfine Teflon powder? But doesn't =
that just sort of fall out quickly? What about some sort of graphite? A =
synthetic grease, maybe like VJ lube? Anyone ever try anything like =
that? Any other ideas (constructive)?

        Maybe I should just stand in back of the piano player with a =
whip or a well proportioned maple 2 x 4?


        Terry Farrell

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