
John Ross
Wed, 01 Feb 2006 11:05:15 -0400

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Why buy it.
Doesn't it still come packed with the new pianos from Japan and Korea. Most stores just throw it away, I am sure they would be pleased to give you some. (Well maybe)
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John Formsma 
  To: Pianotech 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 10:56 AM
  Subject: desiccant


  I was searching the web for "regenerating desiccant" and came across this product:

  Has anyone used it? I'm going to order some for protecting the tools in my trunk.

  With respect to regenerating the desiccant you find in pianos, I've heard you can microwave it to regenerate it. Anyone know if this works? The web site has instructions for doing it in a conventional oven, but I didn't see any instructions for the kind in the paper bags. Anyone know?


  John Formsma

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