Bluthner Tuning

Conrad Hoffsommer
Thu, 02 Feb 2006 04:15:38 -0600

At 23:39 2/1/2006, you wrote:
>    What's that attachment?
>      Viral?

G, I hope not!

I think it was an artifact of an imbedded link or symbol which didn't quite 
cut and paste from the Merriam Webster website page. Probably whatever was 
originally contained within the brackets after  "Main entry:al i quot".

The message didn't exactly swirtly wend it's way to the list, either.   I 
sent it before 1400h and it didn't show up until after 2100h.

>At 01:38 PM 2/1/2006 -0600, you wrote:
>>At 01:53 PM 2/1/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>>>Hello Susan and Cy.
>>>Am I understanding correctly that in "older" Bluthner piano tunings, the 
>>>fourth string is tuned an octave higher than the unisons before the high 
>>>treble break?
>>>Also, could you provide me with the definition of Aliquot strings.  Is 
>>>that the manufacturer or what the fourth string is called?
>>>Thanks again.
>>Merriam-Webster online says:
>>Main Entry:al·i·quot
>>Pronunciation:'a-l&-"kwät, -kw&t
>>Etymology:Medieval Latin aliquotus, from Latin aliquot some, several, 
>>from alius other + quot how many -- more at 
>>1 : contained an exact number of times in something else -- used of a 
>>divisor or part <5 is an aliquot part of 15> <an aliquot portion of a solution>
>>2 : <>FRACTIONAL <an aliquot part 
>>of invested capital>
>>- aliquot noun

Conrad Hoffsommer

Early to rise: early to bed;
Makes a man healthy, and socially dead.

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