tuning environment

Avery avery1@houston.rr.com
Sat, 04 Feb 2006 06:25:57 -0600

Since we're telling tales.......... :-)

At 12:43 AM 2/4/2006, you wrote:

>     Best.... when you're the first one in the hall in the AM......
>nobody home!
>it was soooooo quiet.   strange.......

Many years ago, I was attending a Baldwin school at the factory in 
Conway. In the early AM, I was called home because my dad was taken 
to the hospital (heart). Willard Sims was the head tech at the time & 
I had to wake him up to get me into the factory to retrieve my tool 
case. Walking through there with NO noise except old building noises, 
very few lights.....

Downright spooky!

Avery Todd

>Oh well....

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