tuning environment

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Sat, 04 Feb 2006 13:09:00 -0600

> The sound is there and you are hearing it. The ear training is learning 
> to discriminate it from all other sounds. This may sound stupid and I 
> don't know if anyone will agree with me, but it almost seems like I sort 
> of feel the beats as much as hear them, sometimes.

I see them on the projection screen in my head - an artifact 
of being visually oriented, so I look for beats where I expect 
to find them in the aural landscape. Like David Love 
described, only without the names. Slower beating intervals 
are rough range finders, faster beating intervals are 
verniers. Listen short, tune lots, cross check, move on. 
Balance, balance, balance.

Ron N

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