Soundboard Resonces and the Wogram Article

Ric Brekne
Sun, 05 Feb 2006 02:01:56 +0100

They have had all kinds of instruments to choose from with a myriad of 
different sound pictures.  Perhaps when the public is exposed enough to 
some of the things being put out by some redesigners today they will 
decide on a new course.  As Nossaman stated and I wholeheartely agree... 
he wants people to be exposed to new sounds get a chance to get used to 
something else.

On the other hand... maybe the public will stay with what it likes.  I 
sure as hell dont know. What I do know however... is that if there is 
any real indicator of value as to what <<sounds best>>  its simply got 
to be in the consensus of the buying public.   Why do they choose a 
slightly sour unison over a clean one ??   Perhaps... just perhaps its 
because they actually DO like it better... for whatever reasons.  I 
think we have to be open to these kinds of possible realities.

And... (and I underline this)  THANK GOD there are folks around willing 
to do and try something else providing always alternatives.  Perhaps one 
day one of those will rule the roost... and everyone can start shooting 
at that !... grin.


Terry writes:

"...the buying public has been pretty clear about its choice...."

And what have they had to choose from?

Terry Farrell

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