Key Button Installation

Sat, 4 Feb 2006 23:29:21 -0500

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Boy, if he did, I'd dive into it right away. I just checked his web site =
and he does not offer an instructional pamphlet on the subject.


Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20

  Doesn't Bill Spurlock have a method that he's published?

  David Love

  -----Original Message-----

  I need to install new key buttons on 88 keys. Never done it before. I =
have the Journals on CD, but have never been able to do a search on =
them. I found an old article by Fern Henry that described a very simple =
method/jig to do this task. The few articles I have found suggest that =
many techs prefer to replace button rather than rebush and complete the =
task in about two hours. In two hours, following a modified Fern Henry =
method, I have eight keys done. I've got 80 to go. At this pace it will =
take me the better part of a week to install a set of key buttons. Is =
anyone aware of a good article in the PTG Journal that describes the =
procedure? I see the Jaras Key Button jig in the Schaff catalog - anyone =
have an opinion on that? Anyone got any other =
favorite/excellent-result/fast method of replacing key buttons?

  Thanks for any input.

  Terry Farrell

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