Soundboard Resonces and the Wogram Article

Overs Pianos
Mon, 6 Feb 2006 08:16:45 +1100

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While I agree that there are examples of recordings where the result 
clearly does not reflect the character of the piano, there are also 
others where the recording sounds very much like the source 

Often a recording team will saturate the tone beyond that coming from 
the instrument, making it unrecognisable. However, it is also 
possible to quite faithfully reproduce the character of the 
instrument. Our recording objective was to reproduce the actual tonal 
character of the instrument and we were quite pleased with the match 
between the actual piano and the recording of Scott Davie's 
Rachmaninoff Lilacs CD.

Ron O.

>   Maybe so but I've heard recordings of my own pianos & they really 
>sounded like my piano so what I am saying that it is possible to get 
>a realistic flavor of a given piano and we tuners have a very 
>sophisticated set of ears.  A true picture is rarely possible on 
>recordings but they've gotten better as some people who know piano 
>tone also become recording engineers.  Jeff Stradling & a Yamaha 
>recording artist hinself recently recorde my Stwy D & his results 
>were very life like & and as good as any I've heard.   Mic placement 
>has a huge amount to do with it of course.
>   All that to say is that I will not discount what I heard.  It was 
>very pleasantly different & similar to some of the results that I've 
>gotten in my own designs.  A good recording CAN reflect the true 
>nature of the sound.
>    Dale Erwin
>Recordings can be deceiving and I don't like to rely on them for a 
>true picture of a piano's tone.  I've heard some beautiful 
>recordings on Yamahas that were very un Yamaha like in their overall 
>impression.  Recording has gotten so sophisticated lately in terms 
>of the ability to manipulate tone so I'm generally reluctant to draw 
>any conclusions that way.
>David Love

    Grand Piano Manufacturers

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