Let me restate the question

John Ross jrpiano@win.eastlink.ca
Mon, 06 Feb 2006 02:49:12 -0400

What I was getting at, was. I thought the idea of the laminations
was so that the board, wouldn't crack.
If the laminations were going the same way, wouldn't there be more
chance of the board cracking, with the laminations going the same way?
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Nossaman" <rnossaman@cox.net>

>>> Wouldn't having all the laminations going the same way, defeat the 
>>> purpose of having the laminations in the first place?
>>> John M. Ross
> And why would it? Caul crowned parallel grained laminated ribs 
> work quite well, as do glue-lam structural members of similar 
> configuration in building construction.  Just what is it you 
> want out of laminations in any specific applications anyway?
> Ron N
> _______________________________________________

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