Let me restate the question

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Mon, 6 Feb 2006 06:11:07 -0500

Indeed. And they were also severely undersized, had poor string scales, poor 
designed/constructed bridges & notching/pinning, poor rib scales, panels 
made of cheap mahogany (Philippine, most likely), weak back structures, 
cruddy hammers, etc., etc., etc. - all of which likely contribute to soaking 
up tone/energy and sounding rather dull. Others have more colorful words to 
describe these characteristics.....

Terry Farrell

----- Original Message ----- 
> Wouldn't the glue utilized for lamination fundamentally change the 
> characteristic of the board?  Not as different as a glass board but 
> different none-the-less.  I've tuned pianos with plywood boards, seems 
> like they soaked up a lot of energy, rather dull sounding.
> Andrew Anderson 

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