Brass Rail to Wood Flange Conversion

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 06 Feb 2006 08:01:40 -0600

> Okay guys, please help me understand here. I'm understanding both Ron 
> and Marcel to suggest that the butt flange in the picture below does not 
> have sufficient contact with the action rail. Marcel goes further to 
> suggest, that because of a lack of contact, the metal rods will imbed 
> themselves into the flange and rail and the flange screws will 
> continually loosen.

I don't know if the flange screws will loosen (or the flange 
crush), but no support under the screw head doesn't look like 
a good idea to me.  What are the wires for here? They won't 
establish or maintain alignment, and aren't a broad enough 
contact surface to be of much use as support under the screw 
head, so I don't understand their contribution.

> This system has quite a bit of contact between the flange and action 
> rail. The two entire rectangular areas (about 12mm x 5mm each) of the 
> flange above the flange screw and below the screw are in intimate 
> contact with the action rail. Plus it also has the limited surface area 
> of the wires. That's not enough?

Maybe, but I wouldn't.

Ron N

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