Let me restate the question

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Mon, 06 Feb 2006 19:23:47 +0100

Hi Dale

Are we sure we are on the same page here... I thought you had some nice 
thing to say about Overs laminate boards... or have I misunderstood.  
This is just another laminant board idea.


Dale writes:

Indeed.. I mean.... cannot achieve crown support this  way.  I Might be 
wrong  but probably not for a very long ....long  time.  Remember that , 
well, at least the way I calculate downbearing,  there is at least 1000 
to 1400 lbs pressure on the board 24 /7.  I like wood.  when we stop 
using wood .  I'll be  doing something else. 

You know?

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