Front rail punching change

Barbara Richmond
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 16:00:50 -0600

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Howdy all,

Next week I'm going to regulate a nice little Samick console piano.  The =
last time I tuned it (our first appointment), I noticed and mentioned to =
the owner that the piano could really use some attention.  The owner's =
son is a music major and she reported he had never liked the touch of =
the piano.  I'm not sure if they bought it new or used, but the =
regulation is pretty bad.  When I was there I didn't think to check the =
firmness of the punchings (this is the only Samick I've ever worked on, =
can you believe it?).  <Anyway> I was wondering if anyone had changed =
out the front rail punchings using Crescendo (Wurzen) punchings on a =
vertical piano?   I guess I'll experiment to see what improvement can be =
had in an effort to eke out a bit more performance. =20


Barbara Richmond, RPT
near Peoria, IL
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