What's a fair price to charge for tuning a piano

Erwinspiano@aol.com Erwinspiano@aol.com
Wed, 8 Feb 2006 23:12:44 EST

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Hey Pal
  Out here we couldn't live on that.  Many have  a  basic rate & that of many 
tuners have price ranges from 100 to 150  bucks.or more depending on what 
else is required  I believe it's fair  to expect  to be paid as well as any other 
in home type repair service  providing skilled & proffessional services.  My 
two cents  worth.


The way I understand it, this is basically not the issue. We  just 
can't "conspire" to SET prices. Correct?
As far as what we charge  is concerned, anyway. For the record, I 
charge $90.00 for a normal tuning.  :-)
And I'm not at all concerned about price  fixing!


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