Best Way to Tune A Piano Using Accutuner III?

James Grebe
Sun, 12 Feb 2006 08:19:52 -0600

Hi Robert,
Try this.  This does not sound purist but it gives a good tuning on almost 
all pianos when you consider the things that screw up a perfect tuning.
    Set the FAC numbers all to 4.8.  Proceed from the bass treble break and 
go up using a temp strip.  When through with the entire treble work down to 
the bottom.  If this was not a pitch raise, you will be amazed at how well 
the tuning comes out on most pianos.  I am speaking of an overall tuning, 
not individually testing out interval checks.  Let me know what you think.
James Grebe   Piano Tuning & Repair   Member of M.P.T.
R.P.T. of the P.T.G. for over 30 years.   "Member of the Year" in 1989
   Creator of Handsome Hardwood Caster Cups, Piano Benches, Writing 
(314) 845-8282   1526 Raspberry Lane   Arnold, MO 63010
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Finley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 8:56 AM
Subject: Best Way to Tune A Piano Using Accutuner III?

For those of you who use an Accutuner III, which way would you recommend 
using it to achieve a fine tuning?  I have heard several different and 
conflicting opinions, and I am wondering what to make of it.

A friend of mine told me he achieves a good tuning by using the SAT III to 
perform the FAC calculation, and then tuning chromatically up the piano from 
A0, note by note, also tuning the unisons as he goes, and aurally checking 
the octaves and other intervals. Someone else told me that this would be the 
method to use only for pitch raising and achieving stability, but not for 
fine tuning. Another person told me that the temperament should be tuned 
first and then spread up the piano by octaves and then lower. Aural checks 
would be done to ensure that everything sounds correct and the beat rates of 
the intervals are what they should be.

Your opinion on this will be much appreciated. Thank you very much.

Robert Finley 

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