Best Way to Tune A Piano Using Accutuner III?

David Ilvedson
Mon, 13 Feb 2006 9:00:30 -0800

Took a class from the Sanderson's last weekend.   The default FAC setting for Page 1 is 8, 7, 6.    I'd use that, if for some reason, I didn't want to take a FAC.   Great for the initial pitch raise, but again why not just take the FAC readings and be done with it....?

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "James Grebe" <>
To: "Pianotech List" <>
Received: 2/12/2006 6:19:52 AM
Subject: Re: Best Way to Tune A Piano Using Accutuner III?

>Hi Robert,
>Try this.  This does not sound purist but it gives a good tuning on almost 
>all pianos when you consider the things that screw up a perfect tuning.
>    Set the FAC numbers all to 4.8.  Proceed from the bass treble break and 
>go up using a temp strip.  When through with the entire treble work down to 
>the bottom.  If this was not a pitch raise, you will be amazed at how well 
>the tuning comes out on most pianos.  I am speaking of an overall tuning, 
>not individually testing out interval checks.  Let me know what you think.
>James Grebe   Piano Tuning & Repair   Member of M.P.T.
>R.P.T. of the P.T.G. for over 30 years.   "Member of the Year" in 1989
>   Creator of Handsome Hardwood Caster Cups, Piano Benches, Writing 
>(314) 845-8282   1526 Raspberry Lane   Arnold, MO 63010
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Robert Finley" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 8:56 AM
>Subject: Best Way to Tune A Piano Using Accutuner III?

>For those of you who use an Accutuner III, which way would you recommend 
>using it to achieve a fine tuning?  I have heard several different and 
>conflicting opinions, and I am wondering what to make of it.

>A friend of mine told me he achieves a good tuning by using the SAT III to 
>perform the FAC calculation, and then tuning chromatically up the piano from 
>A0, note by note, also tuning the unisons as he goes, and aurally checking 
>the octaves and other intervals. Someone else told me that this would be the 
>method to use only for pitch raising and achieving stability, but not for 
>fine tuning. Another person told me that the temperament should be tuned 
>first and then spread up the piano by octaves and then lower. Aural checks 
>would be done to ensure that everything sounds correct and the beat rates of 
>the intervals are what they should be.

>Your opinion on this will be much appreciated. Thank you very much.

>Robert Finley 

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