Flat Belly Rail

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:55:23 +0100

Thanks both Ron and Terry for the replies.  Ron if you get a moment, I 
am unclear on what you mean with by <<bearning block height>>.

I got to thinking about this flat bellyrail vs curved for a bit... 
Correct me if I a wrong here... but isnt crown perpendicular to the 
bridge far more important then crown parallel to it....  at least from a 
perspective of crown strength ?  I mean... the bridge itself would tend 
to resist bending parallel to its length... yes ?


Ron Overs writes:

If the belly rail was crowned as well it would make for serious problems 
achieving a workable relationship between bridge height, bearing block 
height and the correct down bearing angle setting.

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