laminated ribs

Delwin D Fandrich
Thu, 16 Feb 2006 10:43:33 -0800


| -----Original Message-----
| From: 
| [] On Behalf Of Ron Nossaman
| Sent: February 16, 2006 8:29 AM
| To: Pianotech List
| Subject: Re: laminated ribs
| >   What about using the same approach with a solid rib.   
| No reason not to. The feathering isn't an artifact of 
| lamination. It'll work the same in a solid rib. The reasons 
| for laminating include ease of crown machining, accuracy, and 
| both higher and more uniform statistical average MOE from 
| batch to batch.

I started doing rib feathering in this manner (at least commercially) with the
redesign of the Baldwin Hamilton somewhere around 1986. The ribs were solid,
machine-crowned and feathered. They were not inset to the soundboard liner. (In
general, I prefer that they not be inset.)


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