laminated ribs

Sat, 18 Feb 2006 12:31:27 -0500

I use Sitka Spruce and don't worry about grain angles. Usually about 5 or 6 
plies. Once you get about 5 plies in a rib you don't see much, if any, 
springback. Regarding dimensions, all my ribs have been made to design 
specifications by Del Fandrich - he does the thinkin' and I do the cutin' 'n 
gluin'.   ;-)

Terry Farrell

----- Original Message ----- 
> Right.  I was wondering how it would be less wasteful to make laminated
> ribs.  Now I get it.  Curiosity has me asking what kind of stock you are
> using to make your ribs, Terry.  How many plies?  How much have you
> experimented with different number of plies, dimensions, grain 
> orientations,
> etc?
> This subject is intriguing to me.
> Regards,
> William R. Monroe

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