Vertical hammer return spring slings, replacement of

Mark Wisner
Sat, 18 Feb 2006 11:35:10 -0800 (GMT-08:00)

If you're gonna remove the hammers to re-cord (!?) the flanges be sure to re-shape the hammers.  Its a lot quicker to reinstall the hammers if you don't have to line up the hammers to the string gooves EXACTLY.

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Feb 18, 2006 6:57 AM
>Subject: Vertical hammer return spring slings, replacement of
>Hi All,
>This Monday I will replace all of the hammer return spring slings on an older Yamaha U3.  Yamaha graciously provided the cord material.  Someone advised removing all of the dampers and leaving the hammers on for the operation.  However, looks to me like it would be rather tricky to get the glue and the right length of cord in the right place in the hammer flange slots with the hammers still on the rail.  My current plan is to leave the dampers, but remove all of the hammers so they may be handled individually.
>Anybody out there worked through this to their satisfaction?  Got a solvent that works better than alcohol for loosening up the old glue?  For installing the new cords, have you used CA, hide glue, what-have-you?  
>Any and all input is welcome, all the more so if it is before Monday morning.
>Have a good weekend,
>Alan Eder, RPT

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