
Conrad Hoffsommer
Sat, 18 Feb 2006 19:49:02 -0600

At 13:20 2/18/2006, you wrote:
>Changing the knuckle and all is by far easier, than trying to get 
>the tip off.   To get the tip off you have to have the right tip tool.
>If you have a Schaff extendable hammer you can not do any better, 
>unless you are competing for the strangest or most elaborate 
>tool.   That hammer is what 90 percent of the tuners use and there 
>is a reason: because it is the best.
>William Benjamin

>>If you have a Schaff extendable hammer you can not do any better, 
>>unless you are competing for the strangest or most elaborate tool.
>I'm sorry, and I beg to differ. A LOT.
>Guy Nichols, RPT

I agree and disagree with you both, A LOT!

I have used a Schaff extension  w/rosewood handle for almost 30 
years.  I works for me. It works for William. I have no need or 
desire to purchase another.

I have tried others. They didn't work for my physique or technique.

Guy has much larger hands than I do. I can see where the size and 
shape of the Schaff could be uncomfortable.

If whatever shape works for you, then _that_ is the best in the world.

You're both right/wrong...

One size does NOT fit all.

Conrad Hoffsommer
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