a hammer question

TOM DRISCOLL tomtuner@verizon.net
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 02:17:17 -0500

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: pianotune05=20
  To: Pianotech List=20
  Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 12:45 AM
  Subject: Re: a hammer question

  Hi Tom,
  I would simply undue the old shank from the action ---Undo? No . =
Remove the butt and pull-drill the old shank out.and replace it after =
gluing the hammer head back on right? No, Reinstall the butt ,and glue =
in the new shank with titebond establishing a glue collar at the butt, =
making sure the spacing is correct and the catcher lines up with it's =
neighbors.Let dry about 15 -20 minutes . Mean while pull- drill out the =
shank from the hammer, trim the length of the shank as required . Dry =
fit the hammer to the shank so it aligns perfectly with the adjacent =
hammers. Glue the hammer to the shank with titebond, rechecking for =
exact alignment and again creating a glue collar. I knurl the gluing =
surface area of the shank  to both size and create "pockets-spaces " for =
the glue. Check shank travel and paper the flange if necessary
  I' m sure taking a hammer out of the piano shouldn't be too difficult. =
I have an old action here in my office at home that I kept from a piano =
just for learning purposes. Good, Practice on the old action , use =
correct nomenclature-- Example : " Undo the shank from the action " is =
better stated " Remove the shank from the Butt "
     Marshall, You will have much better exchanges here on the list if =
you take the time and effort to learn the names of the parts- procedures =
and then present your queries.
      Best Wishes,
      Tom Driscoll RPTired

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