a hammer question

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 08:44:16 +0100


Might I suggest you buy Arthur Reblitz's book on piano tuning and 
repair.  Easily available on the net from several sources. I think you 
will find it much more effective for this kind of thing then  email 
posts allow for.

best of luck
Richard Brekne

Hi everyone,
I have a future customer who has a piano with a hammer, get this, that's
split.  He has the other, top half.  Rather than order 88 hammers which
I was told would have to be done because I cannot just order one, I was
given another idea.  I was told that there is a sleeve that can be
placed on the hammer shank that is still attached to the action and then
the top half is inserted in.  Does anyone know if this is a hard
procedure as I'm just getting into the repair side of piano tech?  Where
can I buy such a sleeve?  Thanks again, and if this is one of those,
obvious things as CY mentioned to me yesterday, I appologize.

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