YC bracket replacement

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:45:58 -0500

Just in case this post is related to my comment of YC bracket replacement 
jobs often going over $1K with regulation, etc., of course I always have a 
long detailed conversation with the piano owner and I make it clear that YC 
MAY reimburse them for up to $200 to $300 and that reimbursement is up to 
them to seek. I also tell them that YC has had recent financial/corporate 
troubles/changes than could complicate reimbursement and/or reduce their 
chances of reimbursement.

Taking these steps assures that my clients experience at most two surprises 
related to the YC bracket replacement: 1) when/if they get $200 back from 
YC, and 2) their long-time troublesome piano becomes well-playing and 

Terry Farrell

----- Original Message ----- 
> Yes.
> And their hourly rate for repairs has been massively reduced.
> Anyone who thinks Young Chang warranty work is a cash cow better look 
> again.
> And I would be very concerned about charging my customer for $1000 worth 
> of work, then having them call Young Chang and be told that Young Chang 
> only pays $200 for the job.
> I would not tell my customer I was doing work covered by warranty unless I 
> had contacted the company for confirmation of the claim.
> Ed Sutton
> -----Original Message-----
>>Has anyone noticed that Young Chang's new policy for bracket replacement 
>>to pay the technician ONLY for replacement of the defective parts? They 
>>not pay for regulating the action, which is absolutely necessary when
>>replacing the "junk" parts with the good parts.
>>Matt McWilliams 

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