YC bracket replacement

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Tue, 28 Feb 2006 10:42:39 -0500

If the action hasn't been adjusted to compensate for the expanding brackets, 
the action should go back to whatever state of regulation it would have been 
in (this would typically be considered "good"). The thicker feet should not 
affect anything in the end. The keyframe height is pretty much set by the 
keybed and the hammer rail height is set by the string height and hammer 
bore. So it is up to the bracket installer to shim/chisel or whatever you 
need to do to put the hammer rail at the proper height - which will be the 
original height, assuming the action was properly built in the first place - 
and action regulation will return to un-expanded-bracket state.

Terry Farrell

----- Original Message ----- 
> I agree with your evaluation of the Young Chang situation regarding their
> warranty policy.
> Also,their new brackets are thicker where you screw them into the 
> keyframe.
> So the chances of the action returning to good regulation on its own is 
> not
> going to happen.
> Matt McWilliams

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