Trailer ideas?
Sun, 01 Jan 2006 16:15:14 -0500

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I design and build trailers for the piano trade and have found that if you just move 2 pianos every once in a while but move mostly one at a time a 5 x 10 single axle with extra hieght and a side door and a double door on the back is the way to go. You can order the extra clearance for the door and take care of 90% of the pianos that you move. I use a fix wheel dolly and block the piano on the dolly. the blocks are carpeted and are about 1/2 inch taller than the dolly. I also use a 5 ft ramp to go into the  trailer so I can use it other places like jumping steps. I have room in the front for a shelf to hold my supplies and for storage of kits and touch up stuff. I also have 2 e tracks on each side  to tie down with. this trailer was also design to be pulled with a mid size pick up like a s 10 or a dakota. if you would like to talk with me about ieas or to have one built for you just call. one of the problems with trialer people is that when you mention pianos that think that you have to a trilaer to handle lots and lots of weight but you can have  a light weight trailer to handle all your needs.
                                                                               Rick Wyatt
                                                                               Dallas chapter
                                                                               972 278 9312
-----Original Message-----
From: John Dorr <>
To: piano tech list <>
Sent: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 10:23:08 -0700
Subject: Trailer ideas?

Hi All! 
Happy New Year! 
One of my first investments in 2006 is likely to be a trailer for moving pianos. I'm thinking 5' x 8', enclosed, of course. I would love to hear from those of you who move pianos in your business ideas about things/features to look for and to avoid. I will have to custom-order mine in order to get the top-to-bottom clearance high enough to clear larger uprights and grands. 
Secondary question: What are your favorite moving methods? I like to use a piano sled on top of a 4-wheel dolly. I also have the separate dollies that attach to each end of a vertical piano, and are held on by the straps stretching end to end, but sometimes going over lips and thresholds my "helpers" are too lazy to actually LIFT the dang thing and the lip of the dolly can catch and try to work its way off of the piano. Once this happened and it busted up the bottom of the piano pretty good. Took me DAYS of work to restore that! 
John Dorr 
Helena, Montana 
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