Trailer ideas?
Sun, 1 Jan 2006 17:28:21 EST

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Trailer haulers
  After trying several incarnations of Piano trailers I  had one made which 
was 10 ft long  by 5 ft 4" inside width & 6 ft 6  inches tall.  I'm 6 ft 4 so I 
didnt' wish to klunk my head.  It has a  fold down gate with an overhead 
garage type assist spring to lower the  door. opening it is as effortless as 
     We use it as a ramp. & leave the  pianos on the dolly.  It's a sweet set 
up.  We have tandem drop axles  which lowers the C.G. & reduces wind 
resistance. Tandem axles  reduce the excessive bumpin & thumpin that charachterizes 
the ride  of  a single axle & makes for a way smoother ride.  It is not  over 
built or that heavy & I can  haul two upright or 2 grands up to 9  1/2 ft side 
by side.
  Love it
  Dale Erwin

I design and build trailers for the piano trade and have found that if  you 
just move 2 pianos every once in a while but move mostly one at a  time a 5 x 
10 single axle with extra height and a side door and a double door  on the back 
is the way to go. You can order the extra clearance for the  door and take 
care of 90% of the pianos that you move. I use a fix wheel dolly  and block the 
piano on the dolly. the blocks are carpeted and are about 1/2  inch taller 
than the dolly. I also use a 5 ft ramp to go into the   trailer so I can use it 
other places like jumping steps. I have room in the  front for a shelf to hold 
my supplies and for storage of kits and touch up  stuff. I also have 2 e 
tracks on each side  to tie down with. this  trailer was also design to be pulled 
with a mid size pick up like a s 10 or a  dakota. if you would like to talk 
with me about ieas or to have one built  for you just call. one of the problems 
with trialer people is that! when  you mention pianos that think that you have 
to a trilaer to handle lots and  lots of weight but you can have  a light 
weight trailer to handle all  your needs.


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