New Year's rant; my 2 cents

pianolover 88
Sun, 01 Jan 2006 21:39:44 -0800

Semantics. "Offense"? Pleeeze. I respect your methods. If that works for 
you, great! Charge or don't charge. Can't we all just "get along"...Island 
Ice tea!

Terry Peterson

----Original Message Follows----
From: Susan Kline <>
Reply-To: Pianotech <>
To: Pianotech <>
Subject: RE: New Year's rant; my 2 cents
Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 21:05:32 -0800

At 08:40 PM 1/1/2006 -0800, Terry wrote:
>People can"justify" not charging for their time and criticize others who do 
>by calling them "hustlers".

So, you repeat the offense. I carefully explain my pricing model, which sets 
my basic fee high enough to include an assortment of items which, 
apparently, you itemize, sell, and charge for individually. My system is not 
"working for free" -- it's working in a calm and easy-going manner, 
bypassing a lot of fuss.

Your way does sound to me like "gotta hustle, gotta hustle" took up 
residence inside your head at some point.

Calling people like me hamsters and "tooners" is so silly that it barely 
left a bug spot on Conrad's flamesuit. Oh, there comes the rain again -- all 
gone. Gotta love that teflon outer layer.


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