New Years Resolution
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 20:31:51 +0000

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Hi everyone,
Here's a silly question.  When replying to the list, do I hit reply all or just reply? 

Also, any recommendations on which tips to order when ordering my first tuning lever?  I'm ordering the schaff 21 or 21c or j. can't recall the letters, ones an extension and the other  is a smaller extension.  Thanks again.
p.s. anyone on this list from the state of Indiana or my original stomping grounds of Philadelphia PA?

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: David Andersen <> 

Rick Bazemore writes:

Which leads to this resolution: I have resolved to ask questions when I need help even though they may seem silly to those who have more experience and knowledge in this particular field.
Thanks in advance for those who are willing to help.  Please read my next post for my first silly question of the new year.

There are no silly or stupid questions when asked sincerely.

I would encourage you to become familiar with how to use the archives; they’re a treasure of knowledge.  Also get the Journal on CD.

With these two powerful repositories of technical wisdom, you will turbocharge your skillset.
However, if you’re like me, you need to see stuff done to really “get it.”  You need to hang around more experienced techs when they’re working or teaching.  There’s no substitute for “showing it to your body.”

Have a joyous new year.......

David Andersen 
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