Tuning Hammers

pianotune05 pianotune05@comcast.net
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 22:46:51 -0500

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Hi Joe,
In all honesty, I sort of put Randy's course aside and use it as a =
reference.  I went to Chicago and learned with an RPt every Monday for a =
couple of hours for nine weeks, that was the tuning phase. Next we're =
doing strig replacement, action repair etc.  As for going to Washington =
state, that's impossible since I'm place bound, family 5 month old son, =
yep place bound. :)  How do I obtain some of these neat mutes you =
mentioned?  Do you know by any chance how fast a vision impaired person =
should be able to finish a tuning?  I don't want to set too high =
expectations.  Thanks again.
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Joseph Garrett=20
  To: pianotech=20
  Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 10:16 PM
  Subject: Re: Tuning Hammers

  Marshall said: "=20
  HI Joe,
  Thank you for the idea and insight. Are you the Joe that Randy Potter =
  mentions in his course? Randy's course is pretty good although not =3D
  great for those of us who are vision impaired. =3D20

  What's your take on rubber mutes in the trebble, getting them to stay =
in =3D
  Yes, unfortunately, Randy does bandy my name about. A bit less, now, =
than in the earlier versions of his course, (thank god!)<G>
  John Rhodes came up with a rubber mute that is attached to a =
magnet/cord. He was an instructor at the Piano Hospital, for a while and =
made it for the students, (visually impaired). I have regular contact =
with a visually impaired technician who uses one and loves it.
  Since you are "into" the RP Course, it's kinda closing the barn door =
after the horse is out, BUT, you could recieve a more in-depth piano =
technician curriculum from The Piano Hospital, Vancouver, WA. That =
institution is specifically geared to/for the Visually Impaired. Of =
course, you can still do it, but you may have to unlearn a few =

  Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
  Captain, Tool Police
  Squares R I

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