false beats from ?? -...

reggaepass@aol.com reggaepass@aol.com
Tue, 03 Jan 2006 16:45:02 -0500

Hi Ron,

  Sorry to take so long to reply to your post...been (pleasantly) off 
line for most of the holidays.

  My "source" has not spoken of specific experiments, but he has 
extensive experience in building and re-building some of the finest 
European pianos. I guess that puts his observations in the realm of 
informed urban legend.

 Alan Eder

 -----Original Message-----
 From: Ron Nossaman <rnossaman@cox.net>
 To: Pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
 Sent: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 17:33:51 -0600
 Subject: Re: false beats from ?? -...

  > While we're on the subject, does anyone have any evidence that it is 
 > better to have as little bridge pin standing above the cap as is > 
practical? I have heard this from one reliable source but would like to 
> corroborate it. 
 > > Alan Eder, RPT 
  Not me. The evidence I've accumulated indicates no quantifiable 
difference. There just doesn't seem to be any cause and effect 
relationship between pin height and sound production that I can find. 
The pins standing up too high look goofy, but they don't sound any 
different than pins driven deeper. What is "better" about shorter, and 
what does your reliable source base the claim on? 
 Ron N 
 pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives 


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