this one I walked away from

Conrad Hoffsommer
Tue, 03 Jan 2006 23:54:44 -0600

At 10:49 AM 1/3/2006 -0700, you wrote:
>Yesterday I went to examine a piano that "Joe" wanted moved from one house 
>to another.  I did that as I've had people tell me too many times that 
>there were only 2 steps - which turned out to be an entire flight of them. :-(
>I pulled the front board off the piano just to get a good look at the 
>insides and to remove anything that was there that might cause damage 
>during a move (not too concerned as this was a very old Hinze uprt in 
>rough condition).

The fact that it's still around is remarkable. The only Hinze I ever saw 
had a faux grain paint job on pine, and it wasn't much better inside... 
(Only reason I remember it is that it was my victim when I was at WITCC.)

>As I removed that board - a guy I had not seen before came around the 
>corner and asked the person that had asked me to move the piano if HE had 
>received permission from so-and-so ( evidently my client's x-wife's 
>boyfriend ).  It appears that they could have the piano only if they got 
>all their stuff out of the house by last Friday.
>As I sensed a "family feud" going on -  I ducked and left this one alone.
>What a way to start the new year......
>John Fortiner
>Billings, MT

Good call!   Sounds like you came _that_ close to being a Laurel and Hardy 

Conrad Hoffsommer

Every great idea has a disadvantage equal to or exceeding the greatness of 
the idea.
  -Murphy's Law calendar

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